BUSINESS COACHING & GROWTH STRATEGY for purpose driven women entrepreneurs

BUSINESS COACHING & GROWTH STRATEGY for purpose driven women entrepreneurs

The Heart Sell Book...

A Guide For Women Entrepreneurs Seeking Financial Freedom, is finally here!

Now available on Amazon and at major online retailers.

Download one of my favorite chapters, 'loving your business' and start reading now!

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I'm going to give it to you straight.

You're a pro, not a cookie.

No sugar coating here.

When building a business, your primary responsibility is sales.

And you are probably slacking on the job.

It's time to give your dreams the energy and attention you've given the mastery of your craft.

Maybe you can identify with the feelings some of my best clients had when they came into my world.

● You've made great money. In fact, you thought you had made it. But that money dried up. You want to earn six figures consistently, in increasingly shorter time frames.
● You are growing - but you just aren't sure if this is 'it' for you. You find yourself stuck in parts of the business out of your zone. You want your next chapter to bring you economic power AND joy.
● Your corporate leadership role used to be the North Star - but it has faded. Maybe you were let go, or you want to earn enough to replace (and beat) your corporate earnings, possibly you love your work and want your side hustle to make loads of impact and income. You want to co-create a no-fluff strategic growth plan with someone who has a track record that doesn't revolve around social media or marketing trends.
● You've spent eons perfecting your offer(s) and/or thousands investing in online coaches, masterminds, and programs only to realize that you don't have time (or the desire) to build an entire business based on magnetizing your soul mate clients.

You are not alone. And you are right where you need to be. I can help.


Simplify Your Offers and Marketing

Create a Continuous Flow of Leads

Increase Income, Impact and Authority

Together, we can create a sales process and growth plan that puts $100k quarters, months and contracts within reach - while you spend less time (and energy) on marketing.


Amodhi WeeresingheFounder of HCL Designs

Working with Dora was transformative for me, especially when I transitioned to full-time in my business. I was initially scattered in my approach, especially regarding our services and team dynamics. Dora's guidance was instrumental in refining our offerings, reorganizing our team structure, and making some challenging but necessary decisions.
One key area Dora helped me with was understanding the value we provide to clients and the workload we handle. This led to a significant increase in our deal size – from an average of $35K to a range of $70K-250K. She also coached me on setting boundaries within the team, allowing me to focus more on VIP clients and business development, and trained my COO in business development strategies.
We collaborated for 6 months, meeting bi-weekly. My sessions with Dora were focused on problem-solving and strategic advice, which suited my preference for a hands-off approach without micro-management.

What most people who want you to buy their stuff online won't tell you is this...

Modern day marketing isn't built for seasoned experts like you.

If you are like me, you may have felt like you are spending far too much time and money doing things a$% backwards to be 'seen' in a hyperactive online marketing landscape.
The courses, the lead magnets, the launches. Putting pressure on social media (and yourself) to bypass sales processes and authentic relationship building.

There is a better way.

I've got your runway to $100k...

...and beyond.

Here is how we can work together.

1:1 Coaching

Private coaching and advisory may be right for you if you are ready to go all in on making massive leaps in your business (and life!). 
Work with me for 30 days or sign up for 6 months - with, or without, an in person retreat!

The HEART Sell Course

The HEART Sell course teaches you everything you need to know to make six figure quarters, months and contracts your new normal - in just 3 weeks!

Corporate Sales Training

The Heart Sell Sales Advisor Academy is perfect for business advisors, small business development centers (and other organizations supporting entrepreneurs), and companies building or hiring for sales teams.

Free Resources

Check out my favorite action packed resources. ● Fall in love with you business (again!)● Get ready for your biggest breakthrough yet● Learn the art of the non salesy sales call

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Empowering women isn't new to me. Making life changing amounts of money doing it for my own business was.

I took the leap and left corporate in 2017 and exited a high growth start up in 2020. Over the last few years I've found security as a women entrepreneur and have made more money than all those unfulfilling years working under insane amounts of pressure.
I've gone from $6k months to $200k quarters in my business. I have created multiple $100k months and even $100k in 10 days. In 2024, I wrote The Heart Sell book, and had the privilege of teaching it to business owners and in small business development centers. I did this all without mastering social media, paid marketing, or using sleazy sales tactics. 

I'm not an internet guru.

I've been building sales teams and relationship building for over 300,000 months. I established award winning sales teams in banking in my 20's.
I activated the crowdfunding market for a FinTech start-up before anyone knew what that c word meant. I have coached hundreds of women founders, consultants and c-suite leaders. Coaching for women business leaders and business coaching for women entrepreneurs is my way of shifting the status quos. 
In 2023, despite a tough economy, my clients were winning. Fundraising hundreds of millions of dollars. Closing multiple six figure contracts from cold leads. 10x'ing their growth and building a million dollar business - in one year. Going from no business to a $6k month and $60k contracts. Pivoting into multiple six figures. Acquiring dream businesses and exiting established businesses. 

I want you to know this...

Your passion. That spice you have been weaving into your eduction, expertise, and experience for years and years. The skills you have honed at work and embody in life - makes anything possible for you.

We soar together.

I am on a mission to close the wealth gap for women entrepreneurs by helping them build purposeful, heart driven businesses - that make them life changing amounts of money.


of women in business make less than $100k per year. This is small business poverty and I am not here for it. We deserve better. The world deserves better. The next generation of women is watching us. Let's go!


of women in business reach the million dollar mark. We know how much good comes from money being in the hands of women. I am on my way to making it to this 2% - and I want to take you with me!


Natalie SuppesFounder & CEO of S&S Creative

Dora is a phenomenal business coach. I hired her not because I needed sales tactics (I teach sales at the University of Winnipeg), and have been in corporate sales for 15 years. I hired her because I wanted insight into my business which I didn't have. When we are inside the glass it is hard to see the outside walls.
I knew my business was doing well but the ups and downs rollercoaster ride of entrepreneurship was starting to burn me out. When I started with Dora I had my lowest month in business ever, shortly after I was able to reach my highest month ever. I've onboarded approximately 5 new team members, promoted my team, and have a full roster of dream clients.
I took Dora's advice and implemented it and my business is doing better than ever! If you are looking for a business coach, Dora is your gal!"

Digital marketing is not a substitute for proper business development.

Stop building and polishing offers, frameworks, proposals and social media plans.

Stop waiting to be found.

Together, we can find your people.

The truth is...

Without the right sales processes to support your business model, you can do everything else 'right' and get nowhere.

Your potential clients will be confused by your pursuit of the perfect offer.
Your authority will be held hostage by the algorithms.
You will have a bank account stuck in neutral.
And that impact, the imprint you are uniquely suited to make on the world...will sit on your wish list.
Stalled. As you run yourself ragged "showing up."

Tired of wondering where your next sales are coming from?
Let's soar together.


My clients and I have created the good life.
Care to join us?

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