BUSINESS COACHING & GROWTH STRATEGY for purpose driven women entrepreneurs

BUSINESS COACHING & GROWTH STRATEGY for purpose driven women entrepreneurs

The Heart Sell Book Cover



Join me for The Heart Sell Pre-Sale Party!

Wednesday, May 29
1pm EST
    Yes! There will be prizes!
    Enjoy a live workshop, "Fill Your Flagship"
    Learn how you can become a Heart Sell book Ambassador
    Get your special invitation and a very special offer for Camp Heart Sell - The Membership!!
    Be the first to claim your ticket for the Sales OFF Social summer experience!

Register now to get your Zoom invite AND access to The Heart Sell Ambassadors Club Facebook group! Psst...Ambassadors will be eligible for an EXTRA SPECIAL AMAZING PRIZE!!

    This book is 25 years in the making.

    It took me too long to decide what I truly wanted to do, and to go all in on getting it. I had everything I needed to make it happen for decades before I stepped into my economic power. I don't want you to let time pass you by. I don't want you to spend decades waiting to fulfill your dreams.

    This book is written for you.

    I have been where you are.You want out of the job. You want to take the leap.You want financial security.You want freedom - on your terms.You want a business that is fueled by your purpose. 

    You want to take action.

    But you need a guide.Someone you can trust. Someone who has been there, done that.Someone to link arms with. Someone who has the roadmap. 

    I am giving you permission...

    To believe in yourself; and to believe; that anything is possible for you. It's simpler than you think. The Heart Sell Book is (quite literally) your guide to financial freedom.

    ...transform your business by turning your passion into purpose and your purpose into profit by expanding your relationships.

    - The Heart Sell (book exerpt)

    Never underestimate your power. 

    Even if you are filled with doubt.Even if you are full of excuses.
    We all have blocks and blindspots.
    But you are willing to keep going.To fail forward.
    You are ready.To win and celebrate.To shout your passion from the rooftops.To learn and execute with genuine authenticity.

    The Heart Sell book is for you.


      They say good things come to those who wait.I say, let's have some fun while we are waiting!

      Aside from the FUN + PRIZES, there are 3 reasons to join me for the Pre-Sale Party!

      The Fill Your Flagship Workshop

      Learn how to sell your signature offer without social media or paid ads!

      The Heart Sell Book Ambassador's Club

      I'm spilling the beans on the Ambassadorship.

      Camp Heart Sell Membership + Sales OFF Social

      Build the business of your dreams without worrying about social media!

      Plus, be the first to know when the book is ready for pre-order!

        This event is free and will be held online - via Zoom.

        In today’s world, digital marketing can seem like the only way to grow your business. Because of that, you may have already invested thousands into websites, programs, and courses that have taught you how to build an online business and watch it “grow while you sleep.” 
        However, understanding the difference between marketing and sales will be the key to rapidly building your business and even flourishing as an entrepreneur. The truth is, you don't need digital marketing or social media to grow your business. 
        Let me repeat: you don't need digital marketing or social media to build your business. 
        Why not? 
        Because, as a woman, your ability to lead from the heart is more valuable than you know.

        - The Heart Sell (book exerpt)

        Let's party.

        Wednesday, May 29th
